Today I celebrated my 50th ride on an indoor, stationary bike!
Planning Leanne Hughes Planning Leanne Hughes

Today I celebrated my 50th ride on an indoor, stationary bike!

Essentially creates the experience, the moments, the community and the IDEAL ENVIRONMENT - for progress. As a result, my daily behaviour has changed immediately.

It just shows that dramatic change can happen immediately. It doesn't require lists, or goals, soul-searching, or a great deal of planning.

This is the type of change I help organisations create using my Charismatic Change framework. Change can be immediate and powerful (not slow, draining and full of process).

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2022 Goal List
Planning Leanne Hughes Planning Leanne Hughes

2022 Goal List

I deliberated for months on doing this and realised what was holding me back was fear - will anyone be interested? What if they're not? Don't you love that negative bias we all have when bringing something new to the world, WITHOUT EVEN TESTING the idea?

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