Two by Tuesday
"Two by Tuesday" is a concept where I create and share with you a 2 x 2 matrix to explain a new concept, idea, or help you to solve a problem.
Are you rounding off your customer experience with a flourish (instead of a fade)?
The customer experience dramatically relies on the follow-through. We stack a lot of attention on the attraction and onboarding phase, but you can lose referrals and reputation in that last 5% of the experience.
No Guilt. No Fear. No Peer
This time last week I was sitting in a penthouse meeting room, overlooking Las Vegas, learning from the best in the business - The Rock Star of Consulting, Alan Weiss.
It’s my first day working as a Public Servant
We’ve all heard war stories about what it’s like working for the government: The endless paperwork, general apathy, over-engineered processes, decision limbo, tons of meetings (although, I guess that applies to the private sector, too!)
Today I celebrated my 50th ride on an indoor, stationary bike!
Essentially creates the experience, the moments, the community and the IDEAL ENVIRONMENT - for progress. As a result, my daily behaviour has changed immediately.
It just shows that dramatic change can happen immediately. It doesn't require lists, or goals, soul-searching, or a great deal of planning.
This is the type of change I help organisations create using my Charismatic Change framework. Change can be immediate and powerful (not slow, draining and full of process).
2022 Goal List
I deliberated for months on doing this and realised what was holding me back was fear - will anyone be interested? What if they're not? Don't you love that negative bias we all have when bringing something new to the world, WITHOUT EVEN TESTING the idea?