Two by Tuesday

"Two by Tuesday" is a concept where I create and share with you a 2 x 2 matrix to explain a new concept, idea, or help you to solve a problem.

Today's problem is: Should you stay, or should you leave your current job?

I also have a video replay where I walk through 7 mins, explaining this model I created. You can find it on YouTube - I'll link to it in the comments.

There’s a condition around today’s model and an assumption.

The assumption is that your Hygiene factors (money, security, safety) are okay, and in the model I graph the two Motivators that I think you should optimise for:

- Alignment (do my values align with this team and organisation?)

- Growth potential (are there opportunities for me to learn, grow, develop)?

What do you optimise in your career?

Two by Tuesday is also available as a weekly format on the podcast, Leanne Hughes' Work and Live Large.




Work and Live Large