Leanne’s Unofficial Virtual-IRL Weekend.

🎉 This weekend has been Leanne’s Unofficial Virtual-IRL Weekend.

It started off with a visit to the London Peloton Studios. I’ve been virtually working out on the Peloton app and bike from my living room for over a year now.

Yesterday, I was live in the studios, working out for 30 mins on the Peloton tread with Jermaine Jackson. What an awesome experience! I’m even more of a Peloton Interactive evangelist now.

That was followed by the BEST CATCH UP EVER, where over a long lunch, I met these fabulous people for the first time in person, including my vestie (virtual bestie) and Virtually Possible collab, Joeri - The Magic Sauce 🥫.

Over the last two years, I’ve Zoomed, DM’d and podcasted with these great group of people, so when we met up, there was no small talk, it was like we had been mates forever! Loved hanging out Jan Keck , David Pullan , Tramaine Teo and Emily Gardner.

We also played a great game of Matthew Dicks first, last, best and worst.

Thank you, London! 🇬🇧


How are you bringing elements OUTSIDE of your core offering, service or expertise, into your business to differentiate and connect with clients and customers?


🍀Are you a newbie somewhere? Here’s my tip: Follow a person with main character energy.