Work and Live Large
Productivity, Workshops Leanne Hughes Productivity, Workshops Leanne Hughes

Work and Live Large

After 200 episodes of my original podcast, First Time Facilitator - it's both exciting and daunting to kick off a brand, new show. One thing I’m pretty good at is taking action when things aren’t necessarily ready, and having a win because of that approach (even if "the thing" hasn’t worked, I’m always rewarded when I go for it!).

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Third Year Solopreneur-aversary
Workshops Leanne Hughes Workshops Leanne Hughes

Third Year Solopreneur-aversary

I started my consulting business at on 4 February 2019. The irony of this quote on today's page is not lost on me: "Nothing really works unless you would rather do something else". That's what I'm celebrating today. I have a choice in who I serve, how I serve, and show up.

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