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Las Vegas: Group Red Carpet Experience (Maximize Your Return on Luck)

Red Carpet Group Experience: Las Vegas with Leanne Hughes

The critical question is not: Will you get luck? but…What will you do with the luck that you do get? (Jim Collins)

👉 What is this?

If you’re interested in scoring exponentially-cool opportunities, and bringing more of what you love into your work, then this is for you.

On 30 October, I'll be hosting a small group once-in-a-lifetime Las Vegas experience.

Because it's Vegas, we're going to focus on the theme of ROL (Return on Luck), a Jim Collins term that I absolutely adore.

Sometimes good things happen unexpectedly, like getting a big client out of the blue. But it's not just about being lucky; it's about being ready to make the most of that luck.

How can you get better at catching these lucky breaks and using them to grow your career, or create more opportunities on tap?

👉 Here are the all-important details

This experience is only for you if you're willing to back yourself (that's how ROL works).

  • It’s on October 30, 2024

  • One-day group Red Carpet Experience in Las Vegas (approx 10am - 4pm)

  • Includes everything you need during the day including meals, activities + any transport. You just need to get to the Las Vegas starting point

  • If you want to come along to the Alan Weiss event on 31 October, just let me know (I think he’s charging $1250 USD for the day, but I can probably get you a discount, so you only pay $900 USD!) Alan’s event is called "The Spontaneous Session”

  • We’ll have a pre-boarding call two weeks prior, so you can get to know the group and I’ll set up a WhatsApp community so we can share photos /

👉 Introducing key focus areas

While luck is the theme of the day, I'm going to design in content that YOU most want, which can be a combo of topics relating to:

  • Group dynamics

  • X-factor workshop ideas

  • Crafting your own frameworks and IP

  • Hosting communities

  • Thinking bigger

  • How to score international work opportunities

  • Deep dive beyond the 2-Hour Workshop Blueprint SPARK framework, and more).

  • #1 Content Assets: Create your own IP in a fraction of the time

  • #2 Connect: Audit your relationships and implement a targeted strategy to nurture, and grow relationships to return real ROL

  • #3 Craft: Create rave-worthy workshops that drive your word-of-mouth marketing and referrals.

👉 I'm hosting this one-off event with just nine spots

Here's what that means:

  • It's a SUPER intimate group (which means a more personalised experience and you’ll get to know the other people in your group well)

  • There will be an opening ceremony call two weeks prior, so you’ll know who everyone is prior to catching up

👉 Ready to back yourself?

Here’s the link to confirm your place:

It’s $595 USD til 31 August to reward early action-takers, increasing to $795 USD after that.

Questions? Send me an email or a message on Linkedin.