Work and Live Large Podcast: What can you increase in order to get that time in the diary?

You want to get time in the diary with someone but you're unable to access them, why is that? And what can you do to change that?

Listen in, or watch me break it down in these week's Two by Tuesday on YouTube (link in the comments).

I believe it comes down to these two elements:
- Interest (Their Interest vs Our/Self Interest)
- Relationship (Known vs Unknown)

As you listen in who is the person you're targeting? What can you increase in order to get that time in the diary?

Two by Tuesday is a weekly (moving to fortnightly) segment on Leanne Hughes' Work and Live Large Podcast (

#twobytuesday #networking #wiifm


How can you thrive in the first 90 days of your new job?


Chapter 10 of Free Time: Invite Nonlinear Breakthroughs!