Why am I in Hobart? To GET SERIOUS.
😂 I know, I know, serious seems off-brand for me, right?
I love treating what I do as a hobby, a game, as a fun little experiment. This is good and all but I feel like it’s kept me playing at a certain level.
As I close into close to over 4.5 years in business (wow!), it’s time to actually go pro.
I’ve been learning how to do this from two insanely professional and dedicated world class speakers, Andrew Griffiths and Keith Abraham CSP this week.
Yesterday, we designed our dream speaker business.
It was quite different to what I have right now.
And that felt like a wake-up call.
We are all works in progress but it’s quite delightful to abandon convention and consider what “THINKING BIG” could look like, and actually map some milestones that take in that direction.
I’m really excited to see how I can start having more impact, speaking to more groups, and at more conferences around the world, on how to MAKE WORK GREAT AGAIN.
The great thing about this week is that after hanging out with wonderful speakers, all of this seems possible.
And Keith and Andrew have been incredibly transparent showing the work required to get there.
Absolutely loving it.
Feeling a little scared of course, but it’s time to step up!