Get Fired Up! Make Capital C "Commitment"! Take Action!
When we return home, without the group (and all the excitement), it can be tricky to keep the momentum going.
I hand on heart believe that the best investment you can make is in your own growth. My biggest investment always relates to self-development, learning opportunities, coaching, retreats and masterminds (and if that comes with travel, even better).
I spent 4-days in Hobart, where I learnt from two world-class speaking and business people, Andrew Griffiths and Keith Abraham CSP on how to build my own World Class Speaker Business.
There's lots of work to do.
No shocks here: To get an ROI on these opportunities, you MUST do the work.
I feel like I also need to pattern interrupt my usual routines and environments.
What this means for me today:
✅ Tracking new behaviours on the daily, with a visual board. Nothing intense, just checking things off.
✅ Starting the day differently.
✅ Marie Kondo-ing my office space
✅ Actually having a celebration board where I note down cool things that have happened, rather than just moving on and setting new goals.
How do you ensure you get an ROI after you've invested in a growth opportunity?