Who’s ready to level up in LAS VEGAS?

(how amAIzingly AI is this image btw...so funny).

✈️ Feeling spontaneous?

Why not book that trip you've been thinking about and join me for an unforgettable day?

On 30 October 2024, I’m hosting a once-in-a-lifetime Red Carpet Group Experience in Las Vegas for a small group of ambitious professionals.

🔑 Key focus areas you’ll love:

Because it's a small group, I'm going to design in content that YOU most want, which can be a combo of topics relating to:

- Defining your uniqueness/positioning

- Group dynamics

- Crafting your own signature frameworks and intellectual property

- Going beyond the tools/strategies from my book, The 2-Hour Workshop Blueprint

🍽 What’s included?

Everything you need: meals, activities, transport during the day—you just need to get to Vegas. We’ll start around 10 am and finish by 4 pm.

👉 Here are the all-important details

It’s on October 30, 2024

One-day group Red Carpet Experience in Las Vegas (approx 10am - 4pm)

Includes everything you need during the day including meals, activities + any transport. You just need to get to the Las Vegas starting point

👉 Introducing key focus areas

Because it's a small group, I'm going to design in content that YOU most want, which can be a combo of topics relating to:

- Group dynamics

- X-factor workshop ideas

- Crafting your own frameworks and IP

- Hosting communities

- Deep dive beyond the 2-Hour Workshop Blueprint SPARK framework, and more).

DM me if you have any questions, otherwise, I'll share the link below.

#vegas #growth #learning


Here’s a quick video recorded before we kicked off Day 2: Connect.


Boldly Explaining Your Value