Someone figured out how to save her Memoji as an image 😂

Uh ok, someone figured out how to save her Memoji as an image 😂

Excited to deliver two insanely relevant and helpful virtual masterclasses in July and August.

Masterclass 1: Kicks off Friday 8 July
A private podcast is a podcast that can only be accessed by employees within an organisation. Employees can listen to the podcast using their favourite podcasting app (Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, etc).

Masterclass 2: Kicks off Friday 5 August
Step by step guide on how to host a group coaching program.

Here's the link to sign up/find out more:

(You're welcome to msg me for any questions)

#groupcoaching #masterclass #development


🛑 Stop driving yourself crazy trying to discover + articulate your purpose!


Confession: I really disliked facilitating strategy off-sites.