Confession: I really disliked facilitating strategy off-sites.

"Oh, you want me to run your strategy off-site?"
*looks for next taxi, jumps in and leaves*

Prior to 2022, that was my usual response. Confession: I really disliked facilitating strategy off-sites.

The investment was usually huge (an Executive team spending 3 days away), lots of discussion, some action...However when the strategy was finally locked in and released to the rest of the company, the ideas in it had already expired.

Speed is a major factor now in this post-pandemic world.

At the beginning of this year, I learnt a new approach to strategy that blew my mind. And now? I love hosting Sentient Strategy days!

Sentient Strategy® is a revolutionary approach to the traditional lengthy discussions that take weeks to produce a strategy that is obsolete as soon as a consensus is finally reached.

✅ It accommodates accommodate disruption, volatility, and abrupt change
✅ It's easily implemented
✅ Serves as an ongoing and daily template for decision making and is not a dusty binder on a neglected shelf.
✅ Creates “boundaries” or a “playing field” for moving toward the future, within which key decisions are made.
✅ Less investment than any major strategy initiative.

If you want to create a strategy in a day, and not a week, one that will move with your business and NOT sit on a shelf, send me a note!

#strategy #disruption #change


Someone figured out how to save her Memoji as an image 😂


Two by Tuesday: four different techniques to improve this skill