One thing on the big list of things to do this year, done!

I wanted to start doing was hosting quarterly events with founders and senior leaders, and that kicked off this morning.

We riffed on various topics and discussed how they were impacting leaders across various industries. enjoyed the conversation so much, I forgot to take photos, but here's a quick high level glance at some of the topics we explored:

☕ The Gordian knot approach: Encouraging unconventional methods to achieve business success

☕ Adopting evangelism as a business model: Promoting transparency by showcasing your work and actively seeking feedback to engage both customers and employees

☕ The power of purpose: Understanding how a clear sense of purpose can fuel motivation and discretionary effort in a post-covid workplace

☕ The significance of mental health in the workplace and leaders' responsibility in knowing how to manage this

☕ I shared insights from writing/launching my book, The 2-Hour Workshop Blueprint and how being transparent (and having a framework!) can make a launch run more smoothly.

I'm keen to host these quarterly, it's a great opportunity to hear what business challenges are, and reflect on what I've been working on with clients, too.



It’s been 36 days since my book was released!


Conversation with Andrew Hollo, Director and Principal Consultant at Workwell Consulting