My Podcast Team!

🇵🇭 I’m a solopreneur (a tallopreneur? 😆) but I do outsource some of the things and yesterday in Manila, I met up with my podcast production team IN REAL LIFE.

Nilyn started her Podcast VA team earlier this year and I was impressed by the systems she has, how she trains her team members and her strong communication skills. We’ve been communicating mainly via Airtable and WhatsApp since April (note: Rarely via email!)

Such a joy to hang out and my audio editor started the conversation with, “My favourite episode is your No Risk, No Reward” episode with 3 x Olympian, Pita Taufatofua.

We connected immediately through the power of audio and I love working with their team as I just get to record the episode and let them take over the production side of things.

A ton of fun, great chats and learning so much more about the Filipino culture and more places to visit… must come back!

#podcast #team #connection




RUN... Don't walk!