My first book about designing punchy, short and sharp workshops.

Oh, the irony.

I've been writing my first book about designing punchy, short and sharp workshops.

One of the main points in the book is that it's better to spend more time on structuring the workshop, than on the content.

But as I've been writing, I've realised that for me, it's been the exact opposite!

When I sit down to write, the words just flow out of me like a river. But when it comes to organising it in a way that makes sense, is easy to follow, doesn't assume the reader knows everything and is actionable?

That's where I've been struggling.

I've written a ton, but I know a lot of it will get cut because it doesn't meet those standards.

Just like how most of the content in your sessions, should be cut, too.

Btw, I'm really enjoying the process of handwriting my thoughts, then typing them into Scrivener (it's like Microsoft Word for authors). Scrivener's session word count and manuscript tool gives me a good focus point for every session. 11/10 recommend.

#writing #hellofromthecafe #workshops


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