In 2023, you are not allowed to do ____ anymore
Imagine your boss (or if you're a solopreneur, pretend you have one for a moment) turns to you and says the following:
"In 2023, you are not allowed to do ____ anymore".
Fill in the blank, using these two questions:
1. 😓 The sad question: What tasks, activities, projects would make you SAD if you had to let them go? ("Aww, I don't get to do that anymore?")
2. 😌 The relief question: What tasks, activities or projects would give you RELIEF if you had to let them go?
I enjoyed journaling on these two questions recently and I was surprised at what emerged. It's a nice exercise to rapidly determine what lights you up. You could use these questions in a variety of ways, from determining bottlenecks in your business, priorities, or strengths.
Here are a couple of my responses:
➡️ Sad: While the process of writing a book has been tough, I would be so sad if it was taken away from me, so now I'm feeling thankful that it's there.
➡️ Relief: Getting rid of Instagram (I don't think I'll completely let it go, but I've deleted the app and currently checking it once or twice a week)
#reflection #priorities #notwrittebyChatGPT