Is it time to retire?

I’m seriously wondering if I’ve hit the peak of my career.

How could anything top what happened yesterday?

I don’t even know what to write, and I’m unsure how to capture all the feelings from our Brisbane rooftop event yesterday.

When 📚 Michael Bungay Stanier and I were finalising our plans on Monday, we spoke through some of our event goals.

Our number one goal?:Let’s just have a blast!

And we did.

The day meant so many different things to me, on so many different levels.

I want to celebrate:

- The energy on that rooftop:

It was off the charts. I loved just soaking it all in—seeing over 140 people connect, chat, and truly enjoy each other's company. No awkward moments. We brought together the most amazing people, and I’m so proud of that.

- MBS:

He’s as brilliant, funny, creative, enchanting, and personable behind the scenes as he is in the spotlight. I feel so lucky to call him a friend.

- Life:

If 2019 V1 Leanne could see 2024 V2 Leanne, she WOULD NOT BELIEVE IT.  David Whyte’s words, “That which you can plan is too small for you to live,” ring so true.

Life’s chance encounters are powerful.

Stop holding yourself back.

Dig into that Hard Change.

Get off that Hesitation Station.

Go for it.

- Friends:

Who helped set up, support, and share their talents, send a text, showed up… All of it, so much of it helps.

- Brisbane:

It was our other “main character”—and that stunning rooftop view of our river city, and perfect temps yesterday completed the afternoon.

No doubt, when we receive the video/official photographer footage, I’ll share other thoughts/reflections/insights, but just wanted to capture how I’m feeling RN as I don’t want to ever forget it.

Thank you, thank you to everyone who came along. As corny as it sounds, YOU made the day 👏

Thanks for the great photo, Bethan Winn



"How to Face Change with 📚 Michael Bungay Stanier"


Celebrating the best idea that DID NOT WORK!