"How to Face Change with 📚 Michael Bungay Stanier"

Ermigosh! The official photos have come through! Here's a sneak peak.

If you're on the "How to Face Change with 📚 Michael Bungay Stanier" event list, watch out for your inbox today where we'll share all the photos, plus a highlights video of the day.

If you're running an event, I highly recommend using Snappr (website) to find/source a local photographer when you need (cheers to Ken Burgin for this tip in my Facebook group, The Flipchart all those years ago).

Thank you so much for all the event love!!

Such a great moment, and we love reading your favourite takeaways from the day, and who you connected with, it means a lot. So fun looking at these photos and reliving elements of the day.

#howtofacechange #brisbane #events


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