How can I fall in love with the process?

Here’s what I do when I get stuck: I ask myself, “How can I fall in love with the process?”

I know it’s cheesy but hey, its a helpful, daring question. My friend
Brendon Baker has an incredible book, Valuable Change. He shared that as he was writing the book, he’d take himself out to cafes and enjoy good food and coffee to make the process fun.

That’s what brings me to this lovely, air conditioned Brisbane cafe on a Sunday.

Another tip as I’m this book is pretending that someone has emailed me a question, like, “What are some great way to end a workshop?”

I literally open up Gmail and write them an email back. That way, it reduces the pressure for me (it’s easier to write an email reply, over writing a book chapter!) and also keeps that ONE person front of mind.

What do you switch up to fall in love with your process?

Btw, if you want more details on the book when it’s released, shoot me an email:

#process #sundaysession #wannabeauthor


Getting to present a paper with someone I've admired my whole life?


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