Change isn't hard! And guess what, it can be joyful, too.
That's the message I took away after reading my friend, Mel Loy's book.
I mean, take a look at the cover.
It's friendly.
It makes change... Dare I say it... Even a little bit fun?
Also, I love people who find a gap in the market and sprint their way through it.
Mel realised there were so many books out there on Change Management, but not a lot on Change Communications, specifically (it's usually wrapped up into other training, like Prosci).
You'll love working through Mel's EPIC framework, which helps you understand people, how they communicate and respond to change, making it easier for you to make things happen on the ground.
There are also little easter eggs like frameworks and illustrations sprinkled about, and I've bookmarked a ton of pages (one of my faves is on p. 76, the Change of Scope questions).
Grab this if you are in the business of leading change... (and aren't we all?).
Here's the book page if you want more dets/want to order today:
Congrats, Mel!