Big celebrations this week!

The 2-Hour Workshop Blueprint has 100 reviews on

(100 reviews with an average rating of 4.8).

Just a HUGE thank you for supporting the book!

You don't know how a book will go when you release it into the world.

It's less than a year old, and nothing thrills me more than opening my LinkedIn messages every morning, and seeing messages from YOU, the reader, who has somehow discovered the book, read it in one sitting, and started to bring in some of the strategies into your workshops.

Some behind-the-scenes stats in case you're curious:

➡️ On Amazon alone, the book (paperback + Kindle) has sold 3582 copies (sales are also made on other platforms but Amazon is the main driver for sales right now), generating revenue of $38K

➡️ Total bulk orders from clients, who have brought me in to deliver 2-Hour Workshops for their teams: 350

➡️ Audio copies sold? I have no idea.

➡️ And occasionally, I'll receive a request to sign/ personalise a copy and mail these out, that's happened maybe 20 times.

2.5% of readers took the time to review the book. Reviews provide social proof/legitimacy and accelerate the book-marketing flywheel.

I know what it's like -- so many times, I'll go to a great restaurant, read a great book and think, "Oh, I should totally review that place" and life gets in the way. And that's why I'm always grateful for the energy/time spent submitting your review, thank you.

If you'd like to find out more about the book, head on over to the dedicated site at:



Change isn't hard! And guess what, it can be joyful, too.


Every conversation Mel Kettle and I have is always full of value