How can we talk about the broader issue, not the button?

Are you having little battles with your manager, over something pretty small, that won't have any massive repercussions? Maybe it's time for the conversation to zoom out.

For example, if you're in a stale-mate over the colour choice for a website button, it's usually a signal that something else is brewing under the surface...

My guest on the First Time Facilitator podcast this week, Misha Glouberman shares a key tactic on how we can manager these conversations better. How can we talk about the broader issue, not the button?

Here's a #video snippet of that chat. I'll link to the full episode in the comments as it's full of gold! I had a listener write in this week and say it was their most favourite, First Time Facilitator episode, ever!


How do you move on from mistakes?


ABR = Always Be Recording!