Why does presenteeism culture still exist in 2019?

👩🏽‍💻 It baffles me that some managers still believe that having their employee sit in a cubicle, in front of their computer for 8 hours a day = 8 hours of productive work. 👨🏽‍💻

I was introduced to the term “presenteeism culture” by a former colleague and friend, Bonnie Robinson about 5 years ago.

With all the trends around flexible work out now, I continue to hear that many people are still being judged by their manager, based on the hours they are physically in the office.

I was lucky enough to have managers that supported 4 day work weeks / 9 day fortnights and working from home arrangements when I worked in corporate.

It actually boosted my motivation and made me work more efficiently, and prioritise more effectively.

Essentially, I was cutting out the fat.

We have all read that Microsoft recently implemented a four-day workweek which led to a 40% boost in productivity.

I have some ideas on why presenteeism culture is still around but I’m interested in hearing your thoughts, LinkedIn.

📣 Why do you think presenteeism culture exists in 2019


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