Why does the morning routine get all the glory?

Why does the morning routine get all the glory?

There are a ton of books out there on how to have a miracle morning, joining the 5am club and what the most successful people do when they wake up.

🌜But what about the evening routine?

The way to cool down after an intense day - where are the stories or tips on that?

I’m trying to figure out what works best for me to relax into sleep mode. Here are a few things I’ve found useful:

✅ Programming ‘Night shift’ into my iPhone to kick off at 7pm which turns off the blue light

✅ Reducing the temptation to use the phone in bed (so hard) and picking up a paperback book instead

✅ Not eating within 2 hours of anticipated sleep time

What do you include in your evening routine?

Share your tip in the comments below!


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