Leanne's October thoughts: 20:20 Vision + Simplicity + #faciliosophy


We're in mid-October and I'm spending the next few weeks, setting my 20:20 vision for 2020 (see what I did there? Love a good pun!).  

I want to make sure what I deliver is relevant for you, inspires you and makes your 2020 the best one yet and I need your help (find out more below, or quickly skip to the step where I ask you to complete a quick 7-question survey - yes there's a prize on offer!)

Productivity and distractions

I have been travelling a bit - Hong Kong, Paris (co-facilitating a workshop with my business hero + author, Jenny Blake - want to know more about what we covered over there? Join my free Pivot webinar on Thursday 28 November), the UK now home. I'm in Australia for a couple of more weeks before flying to India + Singapore for work. EXCITING!

However, I've been stung by jetlag, followed by a head cold. My productivity in Brisbane hasn't been great which has annoyed the Maximizer/Activator in me (shout-out to my CliftonStrengths peeps). 

So, I got help. I checked into Productivity Rehab.

I signed up an event last weekend called Side Project Sessions.  The concept started in Melbourne and is now spreading quickly around the world. It's a 3 hour session.  You simply sign up, pay $15 and you work for 3 sessions lasting 45 mins each, with a 15 minute break in between.  Coffee, snacks and great conversations (during the break) are included. That's how I finally got the focus back to write this email. Thanks to Steph Clarke for telling me about it!

On the topic of distractions, I'm interviewing Wall Street bestselling author Nir Eyal, author of Indistractable on the show this week (show to be released in a couple of weeks). THIS BOOK IS FULL OF GOLD. If you have problems staying focused, eliminating distractions and gaining traction on the things that matter in your life, grab the book, or subscribe to the First Time Facilitator podcast, so you hear it as soon as it drops.


I'll be the first to admit, I haven't been the most consistent at sending out these emails. I'm working on it. The first thing I'm doing is reducing the friction and keeping things simple. You'll notice this edition doesn't include any whizz-bang formatting, or images - it's simple text, with links to further reading.

What's the lesson in this for you? If you want to progress an idea you have, I recommend brainstorming / doing what it takes to reduce the friction.  Keep it simple. 

Help me create a 20:20 vision for 2020 that supports you

Please, please, please take 5 mins out of your day to complete this quick, 7-question survey

What's in it for you? If you complete it by Saturday 2 November and leave your email, you'll go in the draw to win either:

  • Three books: You tell me what you're working on / struggling with, and I'll send you three books to help solve it

  • A 1 hour coaching call with me 

I need your feedback as my 2020 plans at this stage include continuing the focus on facilitation but broadening the scope of my work to include other things I love - namely helping people take action on their brilliant ideas, giving them a nudge to do things like post more on LinkedIn, and create great experiences, (not only limited to workshops).  Complete the survey now >>>

Spending time on LinkedIn

I'd like to share another piece of quote-gold from another one of my hero's, Jim Rohn. Jim says, 'If you want to be healthy study health... if you want to be wealthy, study wealth... if you want to be happy, study happiness".

On that note, I want to be better at posting on LinkedIn. So I'm 'studying' how to be better at posting on LinkedIn by listening to more podcasts on the topic.  Here's a really great one I listened to on my run this morning: How To Go Viral On LinkedIn (on that note, if we're not connected yet, add me!)

Being comfortable with being uncomfortable

What's one thing you've done in the last 30 days that has made you uncomfortable? I  recently participated in a one-hour photo shoot with Petra Zink in Brisbane to update my branding. Photo-shoots can be daunting (as can stepping up in front of a workshop room) but it's important to continually live that notion of 'getting comfortable with being uncomfortable'.  

Facilitation philosophy #faciliosophy 

If you had to sum up your work approach, or facilitation style, what words would you use? Reply back and let me know! I'm in the process of finalising mine before I shoot a promotional video for my website.

Here are some words/values I'm currently resonating with:

1. Contrast

2. Maximum fun, minimum buzzwords

3. Contagious energy / exponential (TBC!)

Brisbane facilitation event

We are hosting a facilitation event in Brisbane on 2 November. It's very low key - Suzanne, one of the flipcharters has offered up her gorgeous home for us to meet up and share our favourite workshop activities.  It's a free event. There are only a few spots remaining. If you'd like to come along, reply with 'Keen' and I'll share the Facebook event details with you.

Latest on the podcast

  • My latest conversation is with my facilitator twin (well, we're not twins but our missions are very similar!) - listen in to my chat with Myriam Hadnes from Idayz

  • Tom Scantlebury from SkyBlue and I caught up in Brisbane to talk about the customer experience and how he uses his background in CX to create authentic, memorable workshop experiences (and how he shared the stage with Obama)

  • Joel Birch from The Very Serious Business Co was seriously playing with LEGO and seriously sharing some powerful reasons on why it works in Episode 87

  • ... And I spoke about music and how we can use it effectively in workshops, back on episode 86.

Thoughts on my blog over at leannehughes.com

Join us on the Flipchart Facebook group

We have over 330 facilitators from all over the world, sharing our favourite activities + asking questions in the group. It's an incredibly supportive community.  I also recently did a 'Facebook Live' in the group, sharing my experience in Paris and lessons learnt.

Work with me in 2020

If you'd like to work with me either in-person or virtually, reach out! I'm currently taking workshop + conference, Lunch and Learn sessions,  and coaching bookings for the new year. 

I'm also a certified Pivot facilitator. You can find out more about the Pivot methodology and how you can use this to navigate your own career choices, as well as enable managers to have more impactful 1:1 career conversations by signing up for my free Pivot webinar on Thursday 28 November.

Watch this space for something NEW I'll be launching on 02/02/2020.

(but to help me get there - don't forget to complete the survey!).

Wishing you a happy and productive week


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