What a Sunday! Marathon ✅
Here’s a post-race recap I shared on Instagram but because we’re on LinkedIn now, I thought I’d add some work lessons learnt ➡️ at the end of each paragraph:
Race recap before I fall asleep:
My goal was to 1) finish and 2) under 5 hours. I completed in 4:50, phew! Strategy was to just lock into a steady pace the whole 42kms… and I delivered on that plan!! The first marathon I did, I had to walk/jog the final 14kms.. today? Just kept that pace up and slogged it out. Felt so good!!
➡️ My strategy was clear, I wrote down split times on my hand, and I did what had to be done to follow through. There were multiple course corrections in real time for bathroom run, water stops, etc.
Hold your strategy firm and your plans loose.
After about 30kms, saw a ton of people ahead of me start to walk so it took everything in my resolve to NOT follow this trend (I had 3 words I kept repeating when I felt doubtful: 1. Relax 2. Drive 3. Enjoy).
➡️ When things get tough in your career, having personal values/words that are true to you, can get you through, or steer you on the right path.
It got quite hot at the end.. and I was so bummed out when I got to a point that I thought was the turn-around point, back to home stretch, only to realise I had to run another 2kms to the actual turn around.
➡️ This is the opposite of under-promise/over-deliver: Its’s crushing when you think something is coming your way soon but it’s a lot further away than you realise.
➡️ Another bonus lesson here: Don’t blame the course, study the roadmap! I should’ve taken more accountability in knowing the course map, distances and turns.
I wasn’t sure I’d be able to follow through on my plan today, given my prep/injury interruptions, but honestly by the end? I felt strong! Thanks for the virtual coaching over the last 30+ weeks, Pat Carroll.
➡️ In order to trust the plan, you have to do the work. There’s no shortcut to this.
➡️ Bonus lesson: YES, you can have a virtual running coach. Electricians are diagnosing faults remotely now, too! You might think everything needs to go back to in person, but where are the opportunities for you to offer more services remotely?
… Though, I do have to admit, around the 40km mark, I entertained the idea of walking for a little bit as my feet were in pain… and then my running angel, in the form of Petra Zink swooped in, ran beside me, and started filming us. That snapped me out of it!!!
➡️ EVERYBODY needs a Petra Zink in their lives to get through those tough times.
Happy days! Looking forward to a few sleep ins on a Sunday, and then I’ll work on my next goal 😉