Top 11 tips for how to lose friends and influence no one when working remotely.

Here's a slightly cheeky mid-week post, sharing my Top 11 tips for how to lose friends and influence no one when working remotely.

(although...The list is pretty flexible, these things apply if you work in the office, too.)

1. Only host meetings in your timezone: Disregard the convenience of global teammates.

2. Never show your face on video calls.

3. Reliably always arrive late to virtual calls and expect people to catch you up (bonus points if you then take the meeting to overtime).

4. Every time you’re asked a question, provide long-winded context and background in your response.

5. Make everything capital M, Mandatory: Threaten consequences for non-compliance to create resentment.

6. Schedule last-minute Town Halls for non-urgent updates, forcing everyone to rearrange their schedules.

7. Rely solely on email to announce a change, assuming everyone reads and processes your emails instantly (box ticked!)

8. Blame other departments, and policies.

9. Invest in employee engagement surveys. Make it a KPI to complete the survey. Discuss the results. Take zero action.

10. Cling to “It’s always been this way” as your response to rejecting new ideas.

11. Use personality profile labels as excuses to justify your behaviour: "I’m a 'D' on the DISC profile, so I’m not good at listening to others."

➡️ What would you add to the anti-influence list?



“Most life coaches are starving. If you’re a life coach, and you don’t have a life, what does this mean?”


It wouldn't just be a junket... Honestly, we'd learn a lot.