Living out a workshop dream: Hosting a workshop, based on my book in NEW YORK CITYYYYYYY

I love completing Jenny Blake's Ideal Day Mad Lib exercise annually. It's a future-casting activity, where you put aside where you are right now and dream big about your future.

When I first started my business, I wrote down some DREAM LOCATIONS I’d love to work(shop) from which included NYC, Bangkok and Broome, Western Australia. NYC seemed quite ridiculous to write down. That rational part of my brain said, "How on earth could that possibly happen?"

Last week, amazingly, I got to tick NYC off the list! As my friend Prina Shah calls it, this was a pinch-me moment.

I started working with Sun River Health in 2020, helping the team ignite out how to get the most out of their virtual experiences.

So, it was an absolute THRILL delivering 3 x 2 hour workshops for 100+ staff members across 2 days in NYC, where we covered key elements of my book through various activities, including:

🗽Begin with the experience in mind

🗽The two types of meetings,

🗽How to weave in contrast through your sessions, and more.

After visiting Hobart to learn how to be a world-class speaker, it felt really great traveling to speak internationally and sharing ideas from the book.

Thank you Amanda Moody, MPH for being a wonderful host for our session, and being a big part of the book. It's so great featuring your story, Planetree's story, and Sun River Health in the book...and even better to have met in person!

I'll link to Jenny Blake's future-casting activity, and my NYC behind-the-scenes story highlights (Instagram G) in the comments.

If you could pick one city to work from, where would it be?



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At Times Square, celebrating 2000 book sales on Amazon!