It’s like an evening where Philanthropy x Shark Tank x Cocktail Party.

Oh what a night!! 🎉🎉🎉

We gathered in the stunning Birrunga Gallery last night to raise funds + awareness for three incredible social purpose organisations for 10x10 Brisbane, part of 10x10 Philanthropy.

How do I describe it? It’s like an evening where Philanthropy x Shark Tank x Cocktail Party.

Each founder gets 5 mins to pitch their mission, seeking support, and the audience then decides where to allocate their pledge donations. We had an all-star Shark panel featuring Leisel Jones OAM, Yas Grigaliunas, Matthew Cox and Pita Taufatofua, who at the end of every round, shared their thoughts + asked thought provoking questions about business models, values, BHAGs and strategy.

Congrats to these three orgs for making it to the Grand Final of Giving and their passionate pitches:

Indigenous Futures Foundation is reimagining how we approach food justice and crisis recovery among Australia’s First Nation communities Levi Joel

What Ability Foundation exists to bring happiness to people living with a disability. Their goal is to provide ONE MILLION experiences to people with a disability by 2026 Jared Chapman

Altru is revolutionising the way society tackles destitution and social inequalities. Through its annual Altru Festival, the organisation offers immediate, on-site access to essential services such as medical care and job skills for at-risk youth and marginalised communities Jessie McLachlan (highly recommend putting aside 11 Nov for their festival at West End)

It was a ton of fun co-MCing with Chris Titley, Chris and I had a couple of quick chats, and we met in person for the first time, but definitely found our groove!

It wasn’t without its mishaps and tech challenges, and with events, it’s always a last minute dash to the finish line, but that’s what keeps events interesting + on your toes as a host.

The effervescent, Sophie Robertson heads up 10x10Brisbane and put a call out a few months ago seeking committee members. Anything Sophie touches turns to gold dust, so had to get involved. Over the last couple months, I’ve made some wonderful new friends in the committee! Highly recommend getting involved for the next one.

Also a special shout out to Alexandra Hyson for your extreme dedication to making the night happen, and all the crew including: Brooke Connell, Caroline Starecky, Georgia Barkell, Gerard Warland, Nathan HuehneStephanie Millard, Victoria Gregg, William Tuffley GAICD. Cheers to 10x10 HQ support crew, Verina GaldasCallum Sowden



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Brisbane, tonight’s forecast = 23 degrees with 100% chance of awesome.