Is it possible to create more luck in your work?

🍀 Is it possible to create more luck in your work?

On the podcast this week, I spoke to Dr Christian Busch, author of “The Serendipity Mindset: The Art and Science of Creating Good Luck”.

He’s the Director of Global Economy Program at New York University’s Center for Global Affairs where he teaches on purpose-driven leadership, impact, entrepreneurship, innovation, and emerging markets.

In this conversation, you’ll hear Dr. Christian discuss:

* What it actually means to cultivate a serendipity mindset
* The difference between blind luck and smart luck
* The fear of missing out
* The contrast between planning and being open to opportunities
* The dynamics between being an introvert and an extrovert
* How introverts can cultivate more serendipity in their life
* Rapid Round

Tune in over on YouTube:


Infiltrating dreams


The Serendipity Mindset: The Art and Science of Creating Good Luck