How do you prepare to be spontaneous in your presentations or workshops?

It's not every day you hear from someone who fields live calls on-air, and discover how this relates to hosting a workshop.

But, that's exactly the opportunity I got, when I turned the tables on Lisa Leong and interviewed HER on the First Time Facilitator podcast.

Loved this oxymoron she shared about the importance of preparing to be spontaneous....

And Lisa was very generous with sharing details on how she prepares, even using LinkedIn as a platform to prep for hosting her sessions!

The beauty about facilitation?

No one starts out their career in this role. Lisa has a portfolio career, starting her work life off as a former IP, technology, and wine lawyer(!).

Now, she hosts 2 x radio shows (ABC Radio Melbourne on Sundays and also hosts 'This Working Life' on ABC Radio National) and MCs and facilitates dynamic workshop experiences, too.

I've linked to the YouTube conversation here, and will drop the podcast link in the comments.

Thanks for sharing so openly, Lisa!

➡️ How do you prepare to be spontaneous in your presentations or workshops?

Watch the episode:

#facilitation #workshops #presentationskills


📚 Michael Bungay Stanier is returning to Brisbane!


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