Fast forward to this week, 2024…

2019: Tim Ferguson - Communication Specialist based in Basel Switzerland reaches out on LinkedIn after discovering the First Time Facilitator podcast and tuning into a few episodes.

Fast forward to this week, 2024… And here we are, triumphantly posing together after co-facilitating a 2-day event in Melbourne for the first time together.

Don't we live in the best time ever? So many incredible opportunities can happen as a result of technology, and scale! Connections you never would have made, can turn into friendships and limitless collaborations.

After spending the two days with Tim, I was in awe of his deep domain expertise in the pharma industry, his patience, humility, REAL authenticity (not performative), and his ability to relate to anyone. The best type of person to work with!

Also, very cool to see what he shared in our podcast episode come to life....

Tim really DOES stalk all his participants on LinkedIn before a workshop. He puts in the effort to know his audience. I'll link to our conversation in the comments.

Love a good collab! Have you ever experienced a connection that turned into an amazing collaboration?


It's part PD and part party.


Had a blast hosting the Retail First Pty Ltd two-day leadership event last week.