Are you a Thought Breeder or a Thought Bleeder?

There's so much content available, but what are we actually doing with it?

I'm addicted to listening, reading and learning new things. It's like an endless search for a silver bullet.

We are bombarded every single day by webinars to join, new books to read, new podcast episodes to listen to, new conference to attend.

It’s inspiring!

It can also get dangerous when we confuse consuming with creating.

That’s when over-consumption can hinder your progress.

On today's Two by Tuesday I unpack this by mapping Creation v Consumption.

Which quadrant do you relate to the most?

A link to the full walkthrough is in the comments below

#twobytuesday #growth #action


Alan Weiss is coming to Brisbane!


Your employee engagement surveys are leading to divorce. Here’s what to do instead.