I've always had people at work tell me to SLOW DOWN... so I thank Tim Guinea for giving me the opposite advice today!
Tim and I caught up at his "studio" over at AAMG today for a podcast recording for Leanne Hughes' Work and Live Large podcast.
Here's a quick snapshot of some of the topics we covered:
🏃 Businesses need to think differently in order to attract people. A job ad on Seek will not cut it these days
🏃How Tim's farming upbringing helped nurture his resilience as an apprentice, a tradie, supervisor and now a business owner
🏃What it felt like becoming a 28 year old first-time supervisor and leading a crew that were mostly older than him (some double his age)
🏃Why tradies make great leaders (transferrable skills of communicating, seeing the bigger picture, common sense and pragmatism).
It was a brilliant chat and Tim's first podcast appearance. I dare say, he'll be invited onto many more shows in the future.
Stay tuned, or subscribe to the podcast - the chat will be released in a month or so!
#retention #leadership #tradies #resilience #podcast
p.s. Thanks for the great video work 📹 Mark Powell
2-Hour Workshop Blueprint Masterclass