Final Episode of the First Time Facilitator Podcast

Ahh, what can I say now that hasn't been said?

There’s a temptation because it’s the last show to try to share something that’s the most valuable thing, that summarises the last 200 weeks of my life.

Then perspective hits and I realise, that’s nothing I can really say in “one final episode” to summarise two-hundred weeks of conversations, content creation, Monday deadlines, audio editing, posting on social media, laughs, workshops, travel, Covid, etc.

Some key things:
✅ Yes! I will be starting something new, I’m still working my way and deciding what that is. In the meantime, you’ll hear some “From the vault” episodes every Monday (with new intros)

The best way to keep in touch with what’s next is to;
➡️ Sign onto my email list (
➡️ Hit Subscribe to this podcast in your favourite podcast app of choice

Ending a podcast is very different to ending a job. You know when you leave a job, you get all these lovely messages/people who you least expected signing your farewell card?

The magic of hosting this show, is that as the show continued, every week I’d hear from someone who found an episode helpful, or they discovered the show at EXACTLY THE RIGHT TIME for them in their career.

The show couldn’t have got here without you. It’s been a co-creation process this whole time.

I’d like to thank the following people who submitted voice notes and emails for the final episode, in no particular order:
Juan Daniel Sobrado Rubio, Beth Wonson, Tom Scantlebury, Prina Shah, Gabriel Furman, Jan Szmanda, Tim Ferguson, Tony Brazelton, Julia van Graas, Kevin Meenaghan, Sally Prosser, Paul McGregor, Sean Lavin, May Lee, Lauren Scholtz, Ken Burgin, Joeri - The Magic Sauce 🥫, Deanne Gagnon, Gordon Rhodes, Dr Cathryn Lloyd and Thomas Fry.

A reflection question that’s fitting to ask you now is this:
➡️ Is there anything you need to stop, in order to progress where you’d like to be?

Listen to the final episode in your podcast player of choice, or a link is in the comments below.

and, thank you x

#facilitation #consultant #startinganewadventure


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