Beyond Bureaucracy: Generating momentum in challenging situations.
🏝Ahh, how cool is it when you randomly jump on a Zoom call, and 48 mins later you have the best collaborative idea, dates and locations confirmed? This just happened!
I met Brendon Baker through an international consulting community that I’m part of, he sent me his book “Valuable Change”, his concepts resonated, so we grabbed a Zoom coffee today.
We hit it off so well, and riffed about our ideas on change leadership, how to overcome resistance in organisations and creating powerful internal word-of-mouth…
So much so, that we decided to join forces in 2022 to deliver a public workshop in 2022 called, drumroll please 🥁…
🚀 Beyond Bureaucracy: Generating momentum in challenging situations.
We’re still workshopping that tagline BUT
we have so many x-factor, PRAGMATIC ideas on how you can do this within your multi-later organisation.
I’m literally giddy with excitement on creating this with Brendan, and helping you inspire momentum and action-taking within your organisation.
Here are the dates!
Gold Coast: 6-7 Apri
Melbourne; 25-26 May
If you’d like to know more, send me a message!
#beyondbureaucracy #changeleadership #influence #collaboration #2022events