Are you doing a mini reset this year?

July 1, 2020. Time for a reset.

(Btw does it bug you that this watch has 00:02 seconds on the screen and not 00:00? It bugs me! 🤯)

I’m behind on my 2020kms running challenge: Currently at 961kms when I should be at 1010kms today.

When I’m running well, everything else is going well too. Running well means I’m getting good sleep in and following a solid morning routine.

When I don’t get a good run in first thing, it feels like I’m trying to catch up in the day.

So, a few quick changes:

💥 Put the run in my calendar and prioritise it first thing. Otherwise, it won’t happen.

💥 Schedule in recovery days during the week. Do the math and run a bit longer on the “on” days, so I can actually rest. Actually, this goes for work too: Schedule in break time!

💥 Instead of accepting opportunities on a call, let the idea simmer before responding (a great tip I picked up from Mel Kettle during our podcast conversation earlier this week).

Are you doing a mini reset this year?


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