1. Starting 2025 Light: My Daily Podcast Challenge

Oh my goodness, I can't believe I'm actually doing this – launching a daily podcast for all 365 days of 2025! As I sit here recording the first episodes, I'm equal parts thrilled and terrified. But isn't that exactly what makes a great challenge?

My 2025 Misogi Challenge

I recently listened to Jesse Itzler on the My First Million podcast (shoutout to Andy Storch for sharing it!), where he talked about the concept of Misogi. It's fascinating – this Japanese term has roots in Shinto religion and traditionally involves purification rituals like standing under cold waterfalls. But in a modern context, it's about taking on transformative challenges that push your limits and foster personal growth.

Well, this daily podcast is my Misogi for 2025. And let me tell you, it's already giving me nightmares! I literally woke up in a cold sweat the other night, feeling the pressure of "Oh no, I need to record tomorrow's episode!" But that's exactly what makes it a true Misogi – it's meant to challenge you, to push you out of your comfort zone.

Breaking Down the Challenge

Using Michael Bungay Stanier's framework from "How to Begin," let's rate this challenge on three criteria:

* Daunting (7/7): Let's be real – it's actually an 8 out of 7! The daily deadline, the pressure to create consistent content, and all the unknowns of what 2025 might bring... absolutely terrifying.

* Important (5/7): I've really missed podcasting. It's been my way of thinking out loud, generating new ideas, and becoming a better communicator. Last year, I felt like I wasn't having enough of those breakthrough moments, and I think it's because I wasn't engaging in these conversations.

* Thrilling (6/7): There's this incredible nervous excitement about it. When I tell people about this project, their reactions alone make me more excited (and slightly more terrified) about the journey ahead.

Starting Light

One of the most valuable pieces of advice from Jesse's podcast was about starting your year on a light note. I've taken this literally by decluttering everything around me:

- Cleaned out my wardrobe (hello, empty hangers!)

- Detailed my car

- Donated old linens to the RSPCA

- Created inbox zero (well, sort of – everything's now in a "2024 inbox" folder)

My office is next on the list, and it's a big one. I'm creating two distinct spaces: one for recording and digital work, and another for analog thinking and writing. Sometimes you just need to step away from the screens and let your thoughts flow on paper.

The Format

Here's how I'm planning to structure this crazy adventure:

- Monday to Thursday: 5-10 minute solo episodes

- Friday: Weekly recap compilation

- Weekends: Sharing conversations and previous interviews

But hey, I'm keeping it light and flexible. As Alan Weiss taught me in Vegas – write for yourself first. So that's what this podcast will be: authentic, unfiltered thoughts that hopefully resonate with others too.

In a world where AI can generate perfectly structured content, I'm going 180 degrees in the opposite direction. This will be real, sometimes messy, but always genuine.

So here's to 2025 – to staying light, being agile, and embracing the challenge of showing up every single day. Want to join me on this journey? I'd love to hear about your Misogi for 2025!


Behind the Brand: Creating Leanne 3.0 with Jason Knight